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Jan Timmer certified in MRG's Personal Directions

It's with pleasure that we can announce that our associate partner Jan Timmer now also successfully completed his certification in the use of MRG's Personal Directions. ​This brings the total group of four from our consultant team who are certified in using MRG's suite of executive assessments.

​With Personal Directions, we assist our clients to get a deep understanding of their drivers and the world they have created for themselves. What gives them energy and what drains their energy away? We also use it as a tool ​with our clients ​to ​help them ​build leadership teams.

While MRG's Personal Directions is a quite a extensive assessment, we believe this is what is needed to bring real added value to your company and to your life. Not ​just ​something nice to have.

Of course we know that here are many many other assessments available ​on the market. And we know that there are currently assessments popular that are putting people in boxes via colors. But to make an exercise like this really meaningful, you need to go further than that.

Also, we feel that there's a risk involved ​when people ​can too easily be made in to caricatures when everything is brought back to some simple colors. ​Life is not so simple, nor are people. ​​This approach is not helpful enough at the end of the day to run your business, select or develop ​your key ​people or to make life changing decisions for yourself.

More info about our ​assessment offerings can be found here.​

Congrats Jan!